Thursday, November 29, 2012

36 Weeks....

Well Matt and I went to my 36 week check-up today. Things are looking great. It was nice for Matt to finally meet my doctor. I was so happy when he told me how much he liked her. So, I found out I am dilated to a 3. This makes me a bit nerves only because this is faster progress then I had with Cohen. I hope it doesn't mean I am having this baby earlier then I want. We set an induction date of December 20th if she doesn't come before. All in all I am very excited to know I only have 3 more weeks or less till I get to meet her. Cohen mentions all the time how excited he is to meet her and be her big brother. He is so sweet and I know he will be amazing with her.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Christmas Tree...

This evening was so great, I made a delicious dinner of chicken fajitas. Then we went to a big tree lot at Nibley Golf course and picked out the perfect Christmas tree for our little apartment! Then on the way home stopped for doughnuts at Banbury Cross, which they were closed but the guy at the drive-though saw us, we waited and he gave us a bag of 4 amazing doughnuts for free. Came home put our tree up then we had neighbors that came to bring us cookies (delish) and to visit and we all enjoyed hot chocolate!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baby Girl...

This week has been so busy for me. Between homework and preparing for my baby shower and getting some other things in order, I'm exhausted. I had a lot planned to get done today, but instead I ended up at the doctors office for over 2 and a half hours. I went in for what was supposed to be a short check-up, but after my doctor measured me she was just a bit concerned. So I had an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid which was normal and they took some measurements of baby. Everything looked good there, then they set me up to some monitors and did a stress test on baby. That was about a 30 minute nap, which was nice. The nurse said everything looks great, which was a blessing to hear. The only thing she said is that baby girl is measuring a little small about the 30th percentile, which is nothing to worry about. So from the info. she gave me and from my research I did online, I hope my baby comes out at least 6 pounds. She should be healthy just a little peanut!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween day was good, Matt and I both had class. Cohen went to pre-school and had fun. When I went to pick him up his class was the last of all the classes to get back from their parade.  They walked through a couple of the U buildings. They showed off their costumes and people handed out toys and candy. It was super cute. We picked up Matt and headed down to Orem where we spent the rest of the evening at Matt's moms house and trick-or-treating.