Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kaia's Birthday...

December 12th I went into a regular weekly doctors check-up, I was 38 weeks. I had an induction date set for Dec. 20th and was expecting not to go into labor before then, yet I still hoped that I would.  Matt  was in San Francisco for a business trip and was expected to be back Friday the 14th.  I went to my doctors appointment at 3:30 pm.  The medical assistant that always weighs me and checks my blood pressure did just that and told me my blood pressure was pretty high. My doctor came into the room about 15 min. later like usual and checked my blood pressure again in both arms. She was very concerned and said since my cervix from the previous week was favorable and I was considered full term she wanted to induce me that night. I was very hesitant, since Matt was out of town. She then said they would do a few tests on me before I could go home. My doctor then left and I had the tests done. My nurse told me she thought everything looked good and I was free to go home. I picked up Cohen from my neighbors home and went home. My mom came over she was planning on staying the night with me. She was worried and didn't want me to be alone overnight. We ate dinner around 5:30 pm when I got a phone call from my nurse, she said she talked to my doctor and that she wanted me to pack my things and head over to the hospital to have my baby. At this point I started freaking out and tearing up a bit. I was stressed that Matt was gone and in a meeting at that point. I called 8 times with no answer. I procrastinated heading to the hospital. I took my time packing Cohen's and my things. Finally I got a hold of Matt and I told him what was going on. He said he was heading straight to the airport to get on the next flight to Salt Lake. I then headed to the hospital. I got checked in and waited. My brother Donny came and picked Cohen up from the hospital. I waited until 7 pm till the labor nurse came in and got things started. My doctor came in at 7:30 and broke my water. At this point Matt was still waiting at the airport, his flight did not leave until 9:20. By 8 o'clock my contractions were every 3 minutes and getting so intense I was tearing up almost crying through them. I had the anesthesiology come in to give me an epidural. That really helped with the pain of the contractions. Around 10:00 pm the nurse came in and checked me and said I was dilated to a 5 1/2 and 70 percent effaced. I assumed I had a couple more hours before I was ready to push. Matt called me at 11:00 pm to tell me he had just landed and trying to find my dad to head over to the hospital. When I got off the phone with him my friend Mikell called me, we chatted for a few minutes when I started to feel a lot of pressure. I got off the phone with her and had a nurse come into check me. The nurse checked me and informed me I was fully dilated and full effaced and ready to start pushing. I told her we cant do anything until my husband got there. She said she was going to call my doctor and that we would wait to start pushing until both my husband and nurse got there. I called Matt and told him he needed to hurry. Matt was there 10 minutes later and then my doctor showed up 15 minutes after that and the baby was out 10 minutes after that. Everything happened so fast! The epidural didn't block all the pain or the pressure of pushing. It was so intense and pretty painful but luckily it was quick and our beautiful girl was there in no time. After she was born the nurses put her straight on my chest, it was so special and very emotional. She weighed 7 pounds even and measured 20 inches long. She came out healthy and perfect! It was such a blessing the way everything worked out. The healing process has gone so much better this time then when I had Cohen. I am enjoying my little princess and savoring every moment.

                       Kaia ready to go home!

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